
Tunjukkan catatan dari Jun 12, 2008

Dual-Booting Ubuntu Linux and Window XP

Saya tahu ramai yang berminat nak gunakan Linux.Tapi tak berani nak pasangkan dalam PC masing-masingkan.Takut habis data dalam PC asal kita.Lagipun ramai daripada kita ni suka main game.Bila install linux tak boleh main game.Apakata korang buat dual boot.Bila rasa nak main game buka window,bila rasa nak guna internet dengan lebih selamat dan laju, guna linux.Saya ada buat tutorial macam mana kita boleh dual bootkan komputer tanpa beri masalah kepada window kita. Langkah Pertama Insert your Ubuntu CD or DVD in the drive, and boot from it to begin setup. Choose "Setup Ubuntu" from the bootable menu. Double-click the "Install" icon on the desktop to get started, and you should see a screen like this one: Langkah Kedua Follow the (fairly straight-forward) setup prompts until you get to a screen asking you for your preferred method of partition your hard drives. Make sure you choose "manual" at this point so you can configure your dual-boot exactly as you nee...